Oops, I missed my scheduled activities last week. What can I do differently next time?
Getting healthy, being active, sticking with it day-in, day-out… It's hard! Something always seems to come up when you’re just about ready for your scheduled activity.
A Morning Stretch Routine: The Why and How
Starting the day with a morning stretch routine is a great way to gear up your body and mind for the day ahead. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, in turn protecting your mobility, independence, and posture.
Taking Control of Your Health One Habit at a Time
People tend to want to make several big changes at once when they are feeling motivated. But even making one change, such as starting to exercise, actually involves adopting many new habits.

Shifting Trajectories: Being Active as Adults Starts with Being Active in Youth
Inactivity that starts in youth stays for life. Here’s how we change that.
Exercise Snacks: A Quick Guide to Being Active When You Don’t Have Time
Feeling like you don’t have time for exercise is one of the main things that holds people back from being active, even when they are highly motivated.
The thing is, the more active you are, the more time you can actually save. It’s hard to “carve out” time for running, biking - whatever it may be - when you feel like you can still get active when you are a bit older and still get the same benefits.