Mental Preparation

We are all taught that before we start a new activity we should always stretch so that our bodies are ready for whatever strain is to come. This is key to preparing our bodies for the activity ahead, but how many of us have heard about mental preparation so that our brain is ready for what is about to come?

This week as part of our GoGetFit “Healthy Habits Start Here” program, we are going to be talking about mental preparation and how to do it pre-activity, during activity and post activity!

Pre- Activity:

  1. Declutter: By decluttering the space around you, you're not only making your workplace or house more visually appealing, but you are also releasing stress and anxiety. This practice can help you clear your mind to begin focusing on the task ahead. When there’s too much clutter our brain tends to get distracted by all the chaos around it, to the point that it can become too strenuous to focus on anything but it’s immediate environment. Having a weekly decluttering session can set the rest of your week up for success, increasing not only your chances for getting more active but also increasing your focus, creativity and productivity. 

  2. Visualization: Visualization is the practice of going through the motions of an activity before you do it, but it all happens in your mind. In motor learning there is a saying that goes “Neurons that wire together, fire together.” What this means is that for every action that we do is controlled by little synapses in our brain. In other words, when we visualize an activity ahead of time, we are telling our brain to remember or learn how to do it before it even happens. The benefit of this comes when you go to do an activity, at this point your brain already has an idea of how it’s going to go down resulting in more confidence and competence when doing the activity.

  3. Meditation: Meditation has many benefits. When you meditate before an activity you can help you clear your mind so that you are ready to go. This practice can be very beneficial if you constantly deal with a lot of stressors or distractions. By taking as little as two to five minutes to sit down, close your eyes and not think about anything in particular, you are allowing your brain to relax and refocus, which in turn prepares your brain and body for the activity ahead.

Pre/During Activity:

  1. Affirmations: Have you ever started a run, and you immediately feel like turning right around? This is where affirmations come in! Affirmations not only help you concentrate on your goals, but they can also change your negative thought patterns into positive ones, therefore, allowing you to achieve your goals. When we have that little voice in our heads telling us that we can’t do it, that it’s too hard etc, we can use affirmations to tell that voice that we can do it, that it might be hard but we will be better for it when we are done. This can be a very powerful tool to use for anyone that is having one of those days where tiredness is sinking in, or for anyone that is trying a new activity for the first time.

During/ Post Activity:

Breathing: Doing some boxed breathing after your activity can help you slow down your heart rate, and take in all the endorphins from your previous effort. Breathing is key to regulate all of your bodily functions during and after activity. When you control your breathing during your activity, you can prevent cramps or added pressure in your body allowing you to get that little extra push in. Breathing after the activity, like we mentioned, can help bring your body back to pre activity levels allowing you to start the recovery process earlier and re-regulate your body.

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Self Confidence


Wellness Assist Week 5