Enriching Your Health in a Strange New World
It’s undeniable, the world has changed in 2020. Whether through divisive politics, a global pandemic or disturbing environmental shift, the way we operate on any given day is dramatically different than what we’ve known for years.
But by approaching our old routines through new lenses, we can once again tap into those things that were positive elements in our lives. And at the same time, the slate is clean to start new practices to help protect our mental and physical wellbeing. The ground might be unsettled around us, but out of tilled soil new things can grow. (Ya, sometimes they’re weeds, but they have a purpose too!)
One industry that has really evolved to help us get back on track is technology. Obviously, the use of technology isn’t anything new, but the level of usage is. An interesting study conducted by Openvault indicates that in the first quarter of 2020, broadband internet usage increased a massive 47% over the same period in 2019. Users who have historically been moderate consumers of bandwidth have graduated to larger data plans, while users who have rarely done more than occasionally check their email are now spending more of their waking hours online. Covid-19 has forced us to do more of our regular tasks over the internet.
Exercise augmented by technology has similarly grown, making it easier for us to motivate, manage and maintain our mental and physical health programs. We can now access healthcare anywhere in the world, at any time of the day. Here are a few ways that you can use technology to help enrich your fitness and wellbeing, regaining a sense of “normal” in a tumultuous time.
Online Fitness Classes
As evidenced by a simple search on Youtube.com, physical trainers have been creating online content for years. If you have a good handle on your fitness, there’s no shortage of free instruction and training plans available. But if you’re unsure of where to begin or you have injuries you need to work with, an unguided video might not be the best place to start.
If you are seeking a trainer, search for local trainers who have moved online and have a good reputation in your area. Working with a professional close to you provides the option of face to face workouts when available, and the convenience of online programs. Gyms in some locations have reopened, but many are keeping the internet presence they started to grow during the early stages of Covid-19. Some trainers aren’t returning to the gym at all, knowing that they don’t need to be confined to a single space in order to help their clients.
Online Mental Health Care
Only in recent years has mental health been treated as seriously as our physical wellbeing. But unlike going to see your family doctor, obtaining specialized care from a mental health practitioner can be a costly endeavor when your needs are ongoing.
As a result, professionals in the field have now turned to software in order to provide the level of care required for their patients. While nothing is likely to replace face to face (virtually, or in person) sessions with your chosen counselor or psychologist, the frequency of these appointments may be reduced using technology. If your care provider does so, being able to communicate with your healthcare team without the need to make additional physical appointments can be an efficient and cost-effective resource in staying well.
Progress Monitoring and Tracking
Monitoring our progress over time (in any task), can be a positive motivational tool in the journey to maintaining health and fitness. Tracking your workouts in order to determine how you are performing isn’t new. But what is relatively new is a focus on monitoring your emotional wellbeing as well. The same benefits of tracking your physical progress and habits apply. However, given how subtle emotional changes can be, constant monitoring of our mood can be even more important in analyzing how we are coping as we journey through life’s up’s and down’s.
To take it one step further, this type of technology has evolved to the point where you can work in conjunction with healthcare providers to make sure you’re on the right track with professional support. Following a progress plan, training plan or recovery plan with the oversight of a professional, helps to keep us motivated and accountable. Doctors, psychologists and trainers have all started working closer with clients to help them reach their goals. All of this, done virtually, from anywhere with an internet connection or right from your smart phone. Distance barriers are no longer an issue with clients in rural and regional areas now receiving the same level of care as those in larger population centres, providing they have the connectivity resources and infrastructure.
With technology becoming more accessible to people across our country and along with it are tools that foster health and wellbeing in the form of apps and websites. Providing that your care provider is up to speed on available technologies applicable to their profession, we are living in very exciting times with health and wellbeing support, being a few clicks away, literally.
Kevin Dyck
Kevin owns & operates TheWriteCheese.com, a communications company that specializes in clients trying to further inclusion, diversity, and overall community good. He lives with a brood of animals and his tolerant wife on a small acreage in the mountains of British Columbia.