Healthy Habits Start Here: A Pilot Study

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When you’re part of a program you like to know that it’s having a positive impact. At least, that’s how I feel personally. When I first joined the GoGet.Fit team I thought mostly about the opportunities of the job, and less about the impact this program could have. As time went on, I realized that we’re helping people build self-efficacy to be active, thereby improving the likelihood of them being successful in their pursuit to become, and remain, active.

 Healthy Habits Start Here

            I realized the impact of the GoGet.Fit platform from the outcomes of a recent pilot. Our platform was piloted at unit 22 of Red Deer Regional Hospital to establish its effect on patients when they headed home. Patients admitted to the unit were introduced to the GoGet.Fit mobile app, enrolled, and started practicing daily. Practicing what? All they had to do was schedule place their exercise shoes on their feet and then put them on when the time came.  The act of scheduling and then actually putting the shoes on was the bare minimum. They could then take their shoes for a walk (while on their feet) if so inclined.


The goal was to create an opportunity to overcome one of the greatest barriers to success when starting a new habit: the challenge of “scheduling”. A low “scheduling self-efficacy for exercise” (simply defined as, “I will do it later in the week…” but  it is not specifically scheduled as to the exact time, or if something else comes up it is skipped) is one of the major contributors to feeling defeated, in spite of having the best intentions, and then quitting. Even though the intent and desire to start is there, the lack of scheduling is the greatest hurdle to getting started.


            Before we get to the results, let’s go over the facts.

1.       Generally, after a life-threatening experience such as a heart attack (or another health-issue related to modifiable lifestyle factors) or a new diagnosis of a disease, the experience is normalized in the individual’s mind after only a short period of time. This meansthey will return to their life as it was before said experience, with for example, the memory of their hospital visit being simply that, a memory. The time to get them invested in building new habits is ASAP.

2.      Despite the best information provided with the best intentions by hospital staff, without encouragement, remote support, and improved scheduling self-efficacy, less than 10 per cent of patients will see success at changing to a healthier long-term lifestyle, thereby avoiding future instances related to lifestyle-modifiable disease impacts.

3.      Without these changes they can expect to end up in the same hospital beds sooner than necessary.


            When scheduling self-efficacy is high, a person will make their appointments that they deem important. A lack of scheduling self-efficacy for exercise is often at the root of why individuals fail to develop desired lifestyle changes. They are committed to the importance of the new behaviour, but neglect to commit to a time to execute it. The result of a series of missed workouts is usually quitting with comments like, “I tried, but…”


            The Red Deer pilot was a success. After a short period of in-hospital time, starting the scheduling habit in hospital, 44 per cent of our users remained active after discharge.  And they are successfully continuing down the road of a more active lifestyle.


            Even though this is a 400% improvement over reported outcomes from the literature in this pilot, we know we can do better.  We know that scheduling self-efficacy for exercise is the cornerstone of success. It can’t be over-emphasized how important scheduling the upcoming week’s activities before they happen is. All indications are that through the use of the GoGet.Fit platform we have a tool that builds healthier lifestyles.




Healthy Habits Start Here Pilot

Physician Lead: Dr. Peter Rawlek

To implement a program where "non-high-risk" patients, while still in hospital, get their exercise shoes on, using a web and/or mobile application (a habit engagement platform) to initiate and establish the three key habits of scheduling the activity, doing the activity, and logging it supports patients daily to take action and put on their “exercise shoes”. This is the foundation laid down from which they will likely be successful in their pursuit to get active upon their return home.


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